Valentine, oh, Valentine
Curl your locks as I do mine
Two before and three behind
Good morning to you, Valentine
Curl your locks as I do mine 像我的髮型一樣捲起你的頭髮
Two before and three behind 兩個捲在前,三個捲在後
"Where are you going to, my pretty maid?"
"I'm going a-milking, sir," she said.
"May I go with you, my pretty maid?"
"You're kindly welcome, sir," she said.
"What is your father, my pretty maid?"
"My father's a farmer, sir," she said.
"Say, will you marry me, my pretty maid?"
"Yes, if you please, kind sir," she said.
"What is your fortune, my pretty maid?"
"My face is my fortune, sir," she said.
"Then I can't marry you, my pretty maid."
"Nobody asked you sir," she said.
Cross X patch,
Draw the latch,
Sit by the fire and spin:
Take a cup
And drink it up,
Then call the neighbours in.
crosspatch 壞脾氣的人 patch 補釘
draw 拔
latch 閂;門閂
spin 紡紗
You know that Monday is Sunday's brother;
Tuesday is such another;
Wednesday you must go to church and pray;
Thursday is half-holiday;
On Friday it is too late to begin to spin,
And Saturday is half-holiday again.
Zodiac for the nursery
The ram, the bull, the heavenly twins,
And next the crab, the lion shines,
The virgin and the scales,
The scorpion, archer, and the goat,
The man who holds the watering-pot,
And fish with glittering scales.
單字 :
zodiac 黃道12星座
nursery 幼兒
ram 牡羊
bull 金牛
heavenly 天上的
twins 雙子
crab 巨蟹
lion 獅子
virgin 處女
scale 天平
scorpion 天蠍
archer 射手
goat 山羊
pot 壺
glitter 閃閃發光的
scale 刻度;尺度